Date: 17/12/2016
Day: Saturday
Time: 3.30 pm - 5.00 pm
Venue: Pusat Latihan & Bimbingan Kanak-kanak Istimewa Tunas
Our Objectives . . .
- To allow family having fun together.
- To observe caregivers communication with their children.
- To enhance close relationship and understanding among teachers and caregivers.
- to enable children to transfer learned skills during fun activities.
What happen ???
1) Transferring ping-pong ball
1) Transferring ping-pong ball
2) Wheelbarrow
And the winner is . . . the . . . Red team !!!
And this is the other team,
Green team!
Green team!
Our students performance . . .
It's dancing time
Year Art project
Winners of year art project
Thank you to all parents for participate in our event.
Our staffs and helper